Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A rather large departure

Oh my sweet lord, do I have a lot to do.

Haven't done a lot of posting here because I've been busy rehearsing the fantastic new Strange Tree show, and most of my writing energy has gone towards a couple of nonfiction projects. But now the show has opened, the folks at the day job have been informed, and I can announce the next big step:

Two months from today I'm leaving for Italy to study clown at its source--commedia dell'arte at the Accademia dell'arte in Tuscany.

This is the campus:

So, yeah, I'm reasonably certain I'm going to be a different artist, and probably a different person, in December.

I can't wait.

1 comment:

rosebud said...

Amazing-congratulations-arrivedierci (sp?) and I can't wait to see you before/after the trip. Enjoy some gelato and more...