Monday, September 1, 2008

addio, addio

In the terminal at O'Hare. Packing four months' worth of stuff into a single duffel bag is a grueling experience. I think I was pretty disciplined (certainly compared to the way I used to pack in college), but still, four months is four months, and the bag was, predictably, over the weight limit. Once I picked it up it was clear it would be a bad idea to try to carry my guitar too. So I said goodbye to Little Girl this morning too. There's a campus guitar for general use (I am skeptical of its quality and availability, but we shall see), and I can always try to find a cheap guitar in Arezzo.

I have a stopover in Frankfurt, so all the boarding announcements are in English and German. Disconcerting. The process of studying Italian has already made some German bubble back up to the surface. God knows what language I'll be speaking when I get to Arezzo.

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