Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I seem to exercise more often than I have a reason to post. Yesterday:
Running: intervals
Biking: 7 miles
25 minutes upper-body weights
Crunches, pushups

And we watched No Country for Old Men last night. Jeez. What a creepy movie. Flashes of it keep coming back to me with the intensity of memories I've actually lived. Of course, that's partly because that's the landscape I grew up in, and I've seen it be that still and frightening. And it's partly because nobody does silent menace like the Coens. But a large part is Javier Bardem's performance. By the end he's stalking you, you personally, and he's going to get you, because that's what he does.

1 comment:

rosebud said...

I watched it with my son and found a macabre sense of humor to it as well-almost like American Psycho or Fargo. When things are that dark and creepy they seem almost funny...but I don't think I'd watch it again.