Saturday, April 12, 2008


Arrived this afternoon in Orlando for the big industrial acting job at McDonald's annual convention. Holy cow. The convention center has a giant two-story staircase that's just been painted so when you enter at lobby level you see two-story Golden Arches. The stairway-decoration budget alone has to exceed the entire marketing budget of any show I've ever been in. And that's just the outside. Inside...well, they're not done setting up yet, and I'm probably not allowed to describe it much lest I reveal some important trade secret, but let's just say, McD's knows how to throw a convention.

60 minutes elliptical trainer
15 minutes upper-body weights

Day before yesterday:
Running: 4.5 miles
20 minutes lower-body and core weights

Really have no idea what this week is going to bring. It'll be an acting experience unlike any I've ever had before, that's for sure. I'll try to learn a lot.

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